Hello and welcome to my little humble page. I will post here a few updates on my Projects.
But all of my detailed information can be found on my bitbucket team: https://bitbucket.org/projectdejavu . This page is only intended for some major information at the moment. As all information will be available on Bitbucket.
At the moment I will only have a general Page for the Germotier project, but this will likely be changed over the time (if other projects are being started or not).
I also have a Youtube Channel where I will upload some of the progress I’ve made: http://youtube.projectdejavu.eu (no panic, its just an HTTP forward to my domain which just forwards to youtube since only my main domain supports HTTPS – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGTZeMrduHJ4yAHVSr2VGaw . I just thought that the name above is a bit more easy than the direct link 😉 ) .
You can start Discussions on Bitbucket issue tracker with using the component „Discussion“. It might seem a bit weird but it will be pretty easily seen as a discussion and not a bug (priority does not matter for it):
Have fun exploring the sites!