Welcome to Project DejaVu

This is my Projects webpage where I will post everything about my – well who might have guessed it – projects. At the moment there will be not much to be visited since I only began (properly that means) recently to learn C# on Udemy and MVA. Lets see how far I can make it with learning something from scratch on the www.

About me
I am a system engineer who knows some bits on Operating Systems (Windows and Linux), VoIP (SIP in itself and mainly Unify products), SQL (even if its basic and mainly mySQL, but I do know a bit) and Hardware (Server and Desktop). I learned some very basic things about OOP during my apprenticeship but did not dive deeper into programming.
If you want to know a bit more about my portfolio you are free to visit me on XING.

About this page
The page is pretty easy structured and you only have the menu on top for getting around. I did not hide anything, so just click around.